Album of the Week: Chosen Ones - They Called Your Number

Sincerity is a quality severely lacking in today's music scene and with many more groups travelling the information highway (i.e. the internet) these days, it’s difficult to tell what's real and what's fake.

Chosen One’s debut full-length album is a heavy dose of reality. One part life, one part loss, They Called Your Number is a testament to the virtues of street knowledge, pain, and redemption.

Sonically, the group takes the best elements of street punk and Oi, adds some melodies ala the Boss, and deliver with grit and poise. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the album is that you can’t pigeonhole it. From the sheer punk rock bombast of “Too Far Gone” to the down-tempo reflective rock of “They Called Your Number,” Chosen Ones have created an album that simultaneously captures the spirit of early rock’n’roll while paying homage to influences as diverse as Social Distortion and Chuck Berry.

My favorite track on the album and longtime set-list staple, “Innocence Lost,” charges right out the gate and howls with the lyrics “Can you hear the silent screams echo through the night” while “Standing on My Own” counts on the hooks-for-days approach. Each song lives and breathes on its own; the hallmark of an excellent album.

I was especially impressed by the dual vocal interchange between main songwriters, Ruben Lipkind and Benny Bailey. Gruff vocals are accentuated by tearing leads and powerhouse drumming and, most importantly, their locked in, something many groups strive for yet never achieve. Anyway you look at it, it works.

It’s hard not to appreciate albums that strive to be something better. Chosen Ones deliver in spades here. Be sure to check out their CD release party Saturday at the Mohawk Place.

jon krol


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