Album of the Week: The Irving Klaws - Demon Tarts

The Irving Klaws are one of Buffalo's greatest rock'n'roll gems. They have been playing in one incarnation or another for the entire time I've been going to shows (a long time) and have destroyed countless gigs (mostly at the beloved Mohawk Place). They are a staple of our scene and their legendary Halloween performances have, well, become legendary. If you've seen them live you know to expect.

If only their recorded output matched their enthusiasm for the live experience. I say this for two reasons. 1. Their new CD, Demon Tarts, is fucking excellent. 2. This is their first full album in over ten years. For fans like me who crave good rock'n'roll that is a long, LONG time.

The album bangs straight out of the gate with "Teenage Heat", a swelling composite of dirt-blues lick-age, BRMC Howl, upright bass-billy, and an insanely catchy vocal melody. "New Way to Meet Girls" sways with the kind of charm that made you love records from the fifties and sixties. I dare you to NOT dance when you hear this. The vocals shift from a sleazy-Lux Interior influenced line to "ooh la la" sixties girl group chants. "Revenge of the Demon Tarts" and "Fire in the Hole" are two other stand-out tracks, although it's a pick or choose. The thing I love most about the Klaws is their ability to integrate pop style hooks with rockabilly swing, punk attitude and fierce fun. All the songs are melting fire.

I'm really not surprised though seeing as how they took it to Hi Lo Studios. Anybody in the know knows that Matt Smith has something special there. All the releases I've heard coming out of that studio are just incredible.

A few things to note. This album is currently only available in CD format, but vinyl should be coming in spring or summer for all you enthusiasts. You can get your hands on it after 12/21 when it will be available at Record Theatre and Spiral Scratch. Or better yet, check out their CD release show on that day at Mohawk Place.

The beauty is in the simplicity people. Irving Klaws may not be re-inventing the wheel, but they certainly find way's to unhinge it. I only wish all rock'n'roll were this exciting.

jon krol


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