Picking up the Slack for MTV: The Beatles

We usually reserve this column for new, up-and-coming bands, and The Beatles are actually a band that has been around for a while: the British group formed way back in the 60s believe it or not! They broke up after a decade or so, but their music lives on today. Anyway, they have more than a few great jams, and so I'm going to share my fave Beatles video below, because 1) MTV never really gives them credit (or gave them credit? I'm not sure if MTV is even a Thing anymore? But not even back in MTV's heyday – the channel was all up on that Blind Melon shit, and the groundbreaking Beatles sorta get swept to the side); and 2) the Fab Four just started following us on Twitter – NBD – and we wanted to give back to our community of readers.

But realistically, they'd sue us if they read this post, right?

steve gordon


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