Just Announced: The Decibel Magazine Tour

Death metal is an acquired taste for some. For most, it's either a "you love it or hate it" kind of thing. I'm of the former opinion. If you can get past the cheeseball lyrics, the heavy brute force is a summoning power; a beacon of head-banging tranquility.

Back in the late 80's and early 90's, Buffalo was, believe it or not, a death metal mecca and Cannibal Corpse was it's king. Since that time, their legend has only grown, only now they call home somewhere else. Buffalonians are a loyal bunch though and still consider Cannibal Corpse Buffalo through and through.

The biggest death metal package this year was announced the other day, the Decibel Magazine Tour, and luckily Buffalo is one of the pit stops (Town Ballroom, May 30). Featuring Cannibal Corpse (of course) along with death metal giants Napalm Death, Immolation and Beyond Creation, this is perhaps the best pure death metal show to hit these parts in years. I, for one, am stoked.

Set the date on your calendar and prepare your neck for mass amounts of abuse. May 30th can't come quick enough.

jon krol


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