Jack is back, and once again, he spits in the face of convention with his latest work That Friggin Boo-Yah Tape. Released for free on his bandcamp site two weeks ago, the album is a fun fuck-you to normalcy. The Buffalo rapper is a an underground sensation that has made rowdy the best of parties with his freeform artistry of “doing-raps.” When Jack gets on the mic at a party, a case of PBRs gets crushed, and when he’s freestyling a verse outside of the Pink, you stop to listen.
That Friggin Boo-Yeah Tape is encompassing of these live moments, and is ridden with interesting beats. Many of the beats were done by other Buffalo musicians including on the the opening track “Go Back to Russia.” The beat produced by Mario of UVB-76 centers around a sample of the recognizable clicking sound made by the volume button on Apple devices. This is so hilariously fitting for Jack’s lovable goofball lyrics about dissing some fool and telling them drunken Barney Gumble style to GO BACK TO RUSSIA!
Unorthodox compositions are accepted and appreciated on this tape. My favorite track is “Big Bag of Funyuns.” The beat on this track was produced by Rouille, and has more of a classic NYC-subway swing. Jack comes in off the intro and lays down a spit-like gab similar to a Danny Brown tirade. Then, the beat rides out and off of the rails.
“I Wanna Live in Your Crotch Girl,” the finale of this controlled chaos, is the summary of Jack Topht’s dirtball swagger. I mean that in a completely complimentary way. You know how wet hipster girls are get when he gets this grimy live. Basically he’s just being real as fuck here, saying that even if you’re pussy’s bloody, we’ll fuck on a towel. It doesn’t get much more real than that yo.
If this kind of gutter-punk rap is too distasteful for you than leave Buffalo. Jack is just being Buffalo. He is mixing the segregated oil and water to make some very flavorful dressing, much like the culture of the Queen City.
That Friggin Boo-Yah Tape is available for free download on Jack Topht’s bandcamp site. You can also watch the music video for “Brown Chair” featuring Dr. Ooo.

Case of Gennys, cmon yall