May 13

Straight Dope: May 20th

Straight Dope. The unvarnished truth. The true information. The full story.

You will find very little of that here.

While somewhat less essential than hard facts about life, what you have instead discovered will surely become a vital part of your musical diet. This is hip hop, son. The best tracks released during the week, as decided by me, hand-picked and brought before you like breakfast in bed with almost zero beds (unless you’re in one) and absolutely no breakfast. Which is fine. You should be hungry for this, because so am I. I don’t mean motivated, either. I mean actually, physically hungry. I have two beers in my refrigerator and I can’t afford groceries. Send help.

Let’s begin.

Kanye West - “Black Skinhead”

Busting out of the gate with a Yeezy video may not be the best way to establish credibility with a skeptical audience, yet here we are. Known primarily for saying outlandish shit to earn the ire of just about everyone, it’s true that his ego has been known to outshine the incredible amount of talent and general artistic ability he possesses. I know I’m not going to change any minds, Kanye West is the man who debuted his last new track via projector on 66 buildings all over the globe. You’re either into it at this point or you’re not.

If you are feeling it, "Black Skinhead" features an angry West getting his punk rock on in a leather jacket with quite a bit more screaming than you might be used to in the genre. It’s pretty stunning, and should hopefully reflect the tone of his new album rumored to drop 6/18. You might as well do yourself a favor and check out "New Slaves" while you’re at it.

If you aren’t feeling it, and would instead like some fuel for your hate furnace, here you go; he drops a LeBron James reference again, will be titling his new album Yeezus, and Ben Affleck intros the clip. Enjoy.

Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire feat. Goldie Glo - “Illest Niggaz Breathin’”

I don’t know if I’m posting this song because I actually like it or because it features a recurring Mortal Kombat sample that makes me want to uppercut everything in sight. Kismet, eXquire’s forthcoming mixtape, is due to be released in June after a delay of several months, and with it comes the promise of more brash, intelligent, poignant tracks.

Still, listening to Goldie open is a bit of a drag, and it’s nowhere near as good as Noble Drew Ali which eX threw at us two weeks ago. Give it a listen regardless, you’re probably at work or something and don’t have anything better to do.

The Lonely Island - “Diaper Money”

Look, it was a slow week, and this happened. The Wack Album is also set for release in June, and I will only feel mild embarrassment when I greedily snatch it up. Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer are the rare joke rappers who actually have an understanding of what they’re playing with and a respect for the music that keeps them from ever seeming like they’re mocking it in more than a playful way. Plus, diaper money, man. It can’t all be high art.

DJ Reflex feat. Childish Gambino - “Body so Tight”

Okay, so you can definitely have sex to this. It’s up to you if you want to throw it down while Troy from Community spits at you, but sign me right up. Donald Glover has earned “must play” rights on any track with his name attached to it after releasing Camp in ‘11 and following it up with his mixtape Royalty last summer. Reflex, who I guess deserves some credit for putting the track together, gets a special mention for throwing together the right mix of sounds to perfectly recall the intro music to an X-Men game I used to play on the Sega Genesis.

See you next week.


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