Picking up the Slack for MTV & then some.... C-Mon & Kypski

C-Mon & Kypski is a group from Holland that I recently had the privilege of checking out in the Silent Disco at Camp Bisco.... (they also opened for Nobody Beats the Drum here at Soundlab not too long ago).  For this week's segment of "Picking up the slack for MTV" I'm sharing with you their wildly creative and fun interactive music video! Not only are we picking up the slack of MTV's inability to ever show music videos anymore... the internet is pretty much kicking the shit out of MTV and allowing viewers to take their picture and BE IN THE MUSIC VIDEO.... you've gotta see it for yourself. Get to your nearest web cam... and go to this website: http://oneframeoffame.com/
or just watch the latest version of this video (I'm in it!) here:


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