Sigur Ros Weather

Sigur Ros is of course great music any time of year and in just about any setting, but for me, this right here is Sigur Ros weather in Buffalo, NY. As I write this, we're getting our first proper snow of the season. Proper snow, mind you, not the pissant precipitation we got the other night that ostensibly gave us our White Christmas. Now we've got our winter wonderland. There is something magical, dreamlike, and filmic about the first snow; when everything is playing in the light and seemingly new, and the ideal soundtrack for living in these beautiful tableaus is definitely Sigur Ros as their elastic music seems to take on another meaning against such backdrops. Whether driving a snow swept roadway, walking around, shoveling, or just standing while the snow swirls, the hauntingly ethereal, evocative and joyful prog rock of the Icelandic avant-gardists will imbue whatever you're doing with a distinctly cinematic quality. 

I recommend it highly, especially because snow is a total pain the ass.

Cliff Parks


  1. I completely agree with you Cliff. Perhaps it's in their Icelandic roots (where it's always grey skies and bleakness). I've always associated Sigur Ros with winter in a kind of melancholy, somewhat hopeful, somewhat depressing way. And no matter what I do they will ALWAYS remind me of Vanilla Sky.

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