Tonight: "The Vomit" (aka Dead Hearts)

So. I had no idea who the Vomit were when I first started writing this post. All I knew was that they were "awesome street punk because they're so anti-everything," Sounds fishy right?

Well, turns out the Vomit is indeed Dead Hearts, which is awesome news for those people who won't be able to make the Alix Rice Benefit on Saturday (post to come). Instead, you have the privilege of seeing the Hearts at the most proper hardcore venue in the city, the Funeral Home ($10, 7pm). Oh yea, and two of my current favorite locals are also on the bill, Better Times and Wreckage. So is Source of Relapse who I haven't heard yet.

There's no reason why you shouldn't be at this show. As Vogel would say, Stage Dive Mach 10!!!!!

jon krol


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