Tonight: Pollock CD Release Show

Pollock is a name that resonates in Buffalo's underground hard rock and metal communities. The five piece ensemble have been playing together in one form or another for several years now, honing their craft and developing a sound that blends a somber, melodic approach with pure, brute, and heavy weight. The music is thoughtful and carefully crafted, a testament to the hard work the group has put in over the years, and a reflection of how they've matured since their inception. If you're a fan of Tool, Stabbing Westward or Vast chances are, you'll love Pollock.

Tonight marks the celebration of their new CD, The Moonlight Show, available for $12, along with several of Buffalo's other elite metal groups including the awesomely heavy Herod, Aspired Infliction, Super Killer Robots and Dangerous Green. Pollock will also have other merchandise available for sale. Broadway Joes is the place. 9pm is the time and $7 is the price. Get there early and stay late. Tonight promises to be one of the best showcases for heavy bands in some time.

jon krol


  1. This is prety good!

  2. This is a great article!

  3. This Article is Tits!

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