Hopefully you've been checking your email inbox and received the Town Ballroom's generous free ticket offer for tonight's show featuring Young Empires. I'm writing to inform you not to miss the opener! Sometimes I look back at shows I've been to and realize that the opening band is now headliners who don't stop in Buffalo and charge $50 a ticket..... and I would love to see them. Don't let this happen to you. Tonight's opener is Royal Teeth, a New Orleans (happy Carnival!) based indie band that has an electronica feel with pulsating drums and both male and female vocals. Their debut EP, Act Natually, was released last year and features five upbeat and danceable tracks that you will definitely hear tonight. One of the best things about new bands other than their overwhelming dedication to their new careers is FREE MUSIC!! You can grab a free download of their track "Wild" on their bandcamp page! yay! The Royal Teeth's presence in the music world seems to be on a giant incline and will only improve with their upcoming release of their full LP. So don't be late tonight! Doors are at 7 pm, if you didn't receive the Town Ballroom's free ticket then you can buy one at the door for $14. See you there!

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