It seems that Justin Vernon never has enough to prove. As you already know, his debut record, For Emma Forever Ago, as Bon Iver, Vernon won instant indie fame. What he originally thought were a collection of demos recorded on his laptop in a cabin in the woods of Wisconsin, was in reality, a sweeping masterpiece of folk heartache that would captivate anyone that listened. Six years, a Grammy-winning sophomore record, and numerous other collaborations and side-projects later, Vernon is still looking to shake things up, this time as frontman of his latest non-Bon Iver endeavor, The Shouting Macthes.
Vernon had released plenty of music before the inception of Bon Iver, but since For Emma, his numerous side-projects have allowed him to step away from the art of blowing people’s minds, so that he can get busy having fun with his pals from his native Eau Claire, WI. Grownass Man is simply that; a soulful, bluesy, Vernon side-stepping all the anticipation of a third Bon Iver record, and cracking open a few beers with his friends.
Even looking at the album under this lens, it is still quite good. While at times it is difficult to distinguish Vernon’s vocals on the album at all, as his signature falsetto only registers a few times, The Shouting Matches take on a completely different identity as they enter John Lee Hooker and Black Keys territory. “Seven Sisters” and “Gallup, NM” are some pretty groovy back to back 60s guitar jams, nothing too groundbreaking, but catchy as hell. Grownass Man is definitely an album where Vernon's guitar skills eclipse that of his floaty vocals. "I Need A Change" is a smooth, slow-burner, while "Mother, When?" is a barroom organ jam that could've been recorded at any time during the first half of the 20th century. Low-key tracks "I'll Be True" and "Milkman" are certainly enjoyable in their own right, but at times feel like missed moments, and are somewhat forgettable. Whatever way you perceive Grownass Man, there is one thing that is abundantly clear: Justin Vernon is having a blast making this music. And while it won't leave you speechless like For Emma or Bon Iver did, it will have your head bobbing and foot tapping enough to be spinning it for the rest of the summer. Grade: B
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