May 13

Album Review: Japanther - Eat Like Lisa Act Like Bart

From the opening jangle and thud of "Do Not Resuscitate" to the final, lethargic chorus of "Wasted Day," Eat Like Lisa Act Like Bart is a half hour of dumb, lo-fi fuzz and flailing drums. 

And it's a lot of fun. Just don't think about it too much. 

Because you'll get to a track like "Five Lions" and you'll wonder: is this a protest song? Is it an ironic dig at perceived American ignorance about the world beyond its borders? Or did I just listen to a list of places plucked from a global studies textbook, followed by a bumper sticker's worth of lyrics?

Is "Green Spray Paint" just "More Teachers, Less Cops" with a different title? 

And isn't it "fewer cops"? 

Who cares? 

Japanther is an "art project" consisting of Brooklyn twosome Ian Vanek and Matt Reilly. They've played with synchronized swimmers, really big puppets, and "giant dinosaurs and BMXers flying off the walls." I'm not sure it serves any purpose, other than making big, weird stuff happen. Beyond the initial novelty, there doesn't seem to be much substance. Then again, no one said you need a manifesto to make art. And if you can find a way to get paid to dick around on a grand scale, more power to you.

Maybe Eat Like Lisa Act Like Bart is a metaphor - maybe this record is the perfect mix of brains, art, and brat. 

Maybe we're supposed to recognize the funny-if-throwaway line from the Simpsons and move on. 

Maybe the sample that opens "Light Weight Jealous," ripped from Mr. T's too-earnest, too-hip rap about the perils of yo mama jokes, is only meant to add a note of irony to an otherwise forgettable song. 

Does it have any deeper meaning?

Who cares? 

If, like me, you're a sucker for anything weird,  and if, ironically or not, you enjoy sloppy drums, fuzzy bass, and guys who sing through pay telephone receivers, you'll be able to overlook its shortcomings and enjoy this record for what it is. 

Grab a can of PBR, curl your handlebar, and give this a listen. Or not. 

Who cares?  

Grade: B-


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