JOHNS' House of Wrongheads was one of the first Albums of the Week of 2013. It was a six song collection of dark, convoluted garage rock released on cassette. I admit, I don't have anything in my life that can play a cassette tape anymore. Somehow, I was lucky enough to run into a digital copy of their next four song EP, Temple of False Love. It subsequently became this week's Album of the Week.
There's something "horrific" about JOHNS. I don't quite want to loop them in with the horror punk scene - but they sound something like a cross between the Misfits and The Strokes. EP opener "Anatomy of a Noose" is as simple as they come, pairing distinct, hard-strummed Rickenbacker jangle with spooky layered vocals. "Dead All" is next and follows a similar paradigm - gang-ish vocals over moody, discordant indie rock.
"Side B" kicks off with the surf-rock inspired cover of long time classic "Money." JOHNS' version is one hell of a banger and my personal favorite (it even gives the incredible "Worm Wall" from House of Wrongheads a run for its money). Between the guitar licks, crazed yelling, and frantic drumming, I can't even imagine how awesome this song would be to see live. The EP closes out with "Cemetery," which finds JOHNS at their horror punk-est. The chant of, "We will take your everything" was enough to make me check my back pocket for my wallet.
Admittedly, this was a pretty quick review; but then again, Temple of False Love is a very quick listen, and that's part of what makes it so fun. You can pick it up at their EP release show later this month at the Jungle Gym.

yeaa!!!!! cant wait till the buffablog december party to see them live!