Tonight: Lazlo Hollyfeld, Rhubarb, & Alex Berkley

Alright! Tonight we've got a show that promises to be good old-fashioned fun. Lazlo Hollyfeld, Rhubarb, and Alex Berkley will be playing some tunes over at the Buffalo Iron Works. If you aren't familiar with the acts: Lazlo Hollyfeld and Rhubarb both play largely instrumental music of the head-bobbing and hip-swaying variety, with Lazlo Hollyfeld veering more toward electro and Rhubarb veering more toward jam band funk. Alex Berkley plays mostly acoustic tunes in the vein of The Mountain Goats, with the same satisfying mixture of humor and sudden bursts of clarity and pathos. 

Buffalo Iron Works hosts a lot of touring acts and shows designed to draw crowds after Sabres games, but they've hosted local artists the last few Thursdays in a row. Here's hoping that they continue their support of the Buffalo music scene. If that's something you would like to support, then we'll see you at the show tonight.

Doors open at 8 pm, with Alex Berkley starting at 9. Five dollars at the door.


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