Tonight: Mohawk Place's Last Waltz - Night Two

So Mohawk Place dies tonight, as we all know by now. There's been a profusion of obituaries in the local press (including this little blog) over the last few weeks. And everyone is getting sentimental, even Spicoli went a few paragraphs without being mean and sardonic. You'd think a fucking dog died or something.

Anyway, there's not really much I can say that hasn't already been said, so I'll keep this brief. The bands that are playing are some of the finest to have ever hit the notorious Mohawk stage over the years: Thermidors, Failures Union, On Beta, Semi-Tough, Roger Bryan and the Orphans, The Old Sweethearts, Johnny Nobody, Handsome Jack, Two Cow Garage, Chylde, and Girlpope. And it's been sold out for a while. I have to lock up to go get drunk at my favorite bar for the last time tonight, fellas. Let's tie ourselves to the mast and set this ship on fire.

(But don't actually, maybe!)

steve gordon


  1. fuck the mohawk you hipster bitches

  2. fuck mohawks you zippy bipsters!

  3. buck fauxhawks, you bipster snitches!

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